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Nutrition is possibly the most overwhelming topic to navigate through. My sole reason for enrolling in nutrition school was to build a healthy relationship with food and understand what I needed to eat in order to lose the weight and most importantly keep it off. Halfway through my weight loss journey I am still learning, understanding and experimenting with things as I continue to educate myself on the extensive world of health and nutrition.


Nutrition school was where I was introduced to the concept of bio-individuality, one man’s food is another man’s poison. Not one specific diet or food group will suit everyone. Through trial and error and listening to our bodies, we must navigate and understand what to eat in order to reach/achieve our optimal health.


Something that I work on helping my clients understand is how food must be looked at – as a source of nutrition. Everything we put into our body is there for a purpose. Where a salad or smoothie nourishes our body, a bar of chocolate or fried chicken nourishes our soul. Striking a balance and understanding how eating the right nutritious foods, but not depriving ourselves of things we like, is key.


I highlight the importance of nutrition by focusing on:

  • Learning how to develop a healthy relationship with food

  • Transitioning towards whole foods

  • Understanding the concept of bio individuality

  • Learning how to shop, prepare and cook meals

  • Understanding food intolerances and allergies

  • Developing sustainable and effective nutrition habits
