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Holistic health coaching focuses on the different components of wellbeing and teaches us how to align these in order to achieve optimal health. Through my personal experiences and working with clients, I am constantly reminded how important human relationships, work life balance and home environment contribute to our overall wellbeing. Whether your end goal is to become more physically active, to find purpose in life or to just eat better, we must explore all the elements of our life and bring some form of synergy to them.


I offer one-on-one, tailor-made coaching programmes that include:

  • A complete health history review

  • A detailed review of the aspects of your life that contribute to your wellbeing

  • A bio individual tailor made nutrition plan

  • A pantry and refrigerator review followed by a food shop

  • Goal setting

  • Weekly in person or online accountability coaching


The first time I ever experienced any kind of coaching was actually through a corporate coaching retreat. I remember at the time being in awe of how much our personal and professional lives are interconnected. I believe that physical and mental wellness are key components of a high performing team and as the corporate world evolves there is more importance placed on the wellbeing of employees as a whole.

For corporate wellness programs I offer the follow:

  • Comprehensive tailor made programs and wellness retreats.

  • Corporate Wellness Workshops and retreats

  • Working with the business to build a culture in the workplace that is both effective and sustainable

The best decision I made last year was signing on for Sara’s Four Week Program. Through this program I not only developed a healthier lifestyle but my relationship with food and the way I eat has transformed. I feel better, lighter and happier with all the changes I have managed to make. Sara has equipped me with enough knowledge tips and tricks to make well informed decisions.
— Fatima